Hello, World!

It’s time to come out of my hole and serve up thoughts for public consumption.

When I went back to school about a year and a half ago, I wanted to absorb as much information as I could about topics I’ve had at the back of my mind for while but lacked the time to explore in the depth I desired. As I start my last semester, I’m coming up for air and bringing the thoughts that have been brewing to the surface. 

In case you’re curious about what I’ve been doing, head on over to my portfolio page and take a gander. I spread my media wings with work in graphic design, and explored a new form of storytelling with my radio show called Home. I investigated robots and games that help build critical-thinking skills, and found new ways to explore audiences. And I honed my quantitative statistical skills while diving into the world of AI and machine learning. 

All of this is an outgrowth of my effort to understand technology and people better. A path that began with a drive to investigate the polarization of views and extremism online, along with the technologies that exacerbate or help bridge those divides, has led me to AI, fairness, and public policy. 

More broadly speaking, I’ve ended up at the problem of how to go about building global societies that can more easily adapt to technological developments while supporting citizens caught in the turbulence. The solution involves education and efforts by siloed forces—corporations, programmers, governments, philosophers, NGOs, representatives of the general public, and more—to communicate and forge agreements about goals, principles, and standards.

This is where I find myself in January 2018, and hopefully for years to come. Expect to hear more from me as I work things out!