Let's Not Talk About the Apocalypse

I wrote some more things about AI in the gnovis journal.

I've been trying to sort out my thoughts and arguments about human agency and what has broadly come to be known as artificial intelligence. Every time I come across something related to the idea, I make notes about it in a file. And when thought clusters reach a critical mass, I write something about it.

That's what I did in my latest blog post for the gnovis journal. In this short, relatively academic piece given the outlet, I raise some questions about the narratives and language used to talk about "AI." (Am saving the topic of what "AI" actually means for another day.) Take a look and let me know what you think—I'm eager to get outside input to help develop my thoughts further. 

There's a lot more to sort out on this. But the thought cluster that is closest to surfacing has to do with the idea of why for-profit companies developing AI-type technology might care, or not care, about restoring human agency to the discussion. Hopefully more on that soon.